IP Rating

IP rating is an international standard used to define the level of ingress protection (IP) for electrical enclosures.  The first number defines the level of protection against foreign objects (i.e. fingers, dust), and the second number defines the level of protection against moisture.  So, an IP 54 enclosure would be dust tight and resistant to water spray.

First NumberDefinitionSecond NumberDefinition
0No Protection0No Protection
1Protected against solid objects over 45mm1Protected against vertically falling drops of water
2Protected against solid objects over 12mm2Protected against direct spray up to 15 degrees from vertical
3Protected against solid objects over 2.5mm3Protected against direct spray up to 60 degrees from vertical
4Protected against solid objects over 1mm4Protected against spray from all directions – limited ingress permitted
5Protected against dust – limited ingress5Protected against low pressure jets of water from all directions – limited ingress permitted
6Completely protected against dust6Protected against strong jets of water – limited ingress permitted
7Protected against the effects of temporary immersion between 15cm and 1m for 30 min
8Protected against long periods of immersion under pressure