Scorpion Technologies offers a broad range of electronic modules to complement our lines of control grips and joysticks. Like all our products, these modules have been designed to be easily customized for special applications, and are available in many different configurations.
Tiny programmable controllers
Analog and digital inputs
Analog and digital outputs
Analog and digital inputs
Analog and digital outputs
Programmable Valve Drivers
PWM and analog outputs
Diverter valve
Diverter output feature
Fits in most grips
4, 6, or 10 functions
Fits in most grips
4, 6, or 10 functions
Signal Conditioners
Many input options
Many output options
Custom products available
Many output options
Custom products available
Motor Controllers
Relay based reversing
Wired or unwired
Bare board or enclosure
Circuit for multiplexing switches
Run up to 16 functions from 9 switches
Run up to 16 functions from 9 switches
USB Adapter
4 analog inputs
12 digital on/off inputs
Windows and MacOS drivers
USB 3.0 Compatible

Customer assigned PGNs
Up to 8 analog I/O
Up to 16 digital I/O
Boards modified to fit almost any form factor